

American Fluoridation Society Continues to Misinforms Legislators

Dr. Johnny Johnson (President of the American Fluoridation Society) Sent: Wed, May 18, 2022 6:38 am Subject: Starting water fluoridation in Aulander (Yeah!); 

Responding to false claims by opponents to water fluoridation 

Dear Friends in the Town of Aulander, and the Bertie County Board of County Commissioners, This email is to address an email that you received from an opposition group to community water fluoridation (CWF) last month. [from NYSCOF: New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.]   I became aware of it recently and our non-profit, non-paid Board of healthcare providers, the American Fluoridation Society (AFS), felt compelled to address this misinformation head-on. This information follows this introduction as well as the opponents paid press release. The misinformation on CWF is spread by a handful of vociferous people who use the internet to create fear and doubt about this proven effective and safe public health measure. They attempt to scare pregnant mothers into thinking that they are going to have children who are dumbed down because they drink CWF. That is just not true. The humor in this approach is that it is exactly the same claims that were made when CWF began in 1945 in Grand Rapids, MI. Back then, the opponents called it a Communist Plot to dumb down the residents of the U.S. so that the Commies could take us over without firing a shot. In fact, a comedy movie was made about this called Dr. Strangelove. If you haven’t seen it, you owe it to yourselves to watch it. It features some of my favorite actors like Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Slim Pickens, and others. This move to create fear-mongering transitioned into “the Nazis used CWF to make the Jews docile in concentration camps” and next to a John Birch Society effort to stop CWF. CWF didn’t harm anyone back then nor does it today. (NYSCOF never ever made these claims or embraced them. In fact, we often correct those who make these claims)



Karen Spencer said...

Not only do we NOT claim the Nazis fluoridated their camps, the comedic 1960s movie "Dr. Strangelove" is not about that topic, but only contained a single bizarre reference to fluoride.

Opponents to fluoridation use modern medical science and real-world data from the 21st century to oppose fluoridation while the f-zealots use logical fallacies such as ridicule, denigration, and strawman to make their arguments - and of course the "trust us, we are the experts" fallacy.

I suggest that not only are any who refer to a 1960s movie as validation of their position are not experts, that if you want to get your information from movies, then consider the dentist scene in "Little Shops of Horrors" as representative of that group of propagandists.

Karen Spencer said...

Not only do we NOT claim the Nazis fluoridated their camps, the comedic 1960s movie "Dr. Strangelove" is not about that topic, but only contained a single bizarre reference to fluoride. It's the f-lobby that keeps those stories alive.

Opponents to fluoridation use modern medical science and real-world data from the 21st century to oppose fluoridation while the f-zealots use logical fallacies such as ridicule, denigration, and strawman to make their arguments - and of course the "trust us, we are the experts" fallacy.

I suggest that not only are any who refer to a 1960s movie as validation of their position are not experts, that if you want to get your information from movies, then consider the dentist scene in "Little Shops of Horrors" as representative of that group of propagandists.