
Saturday, January 29, 2022

US Govt Report Reveals Fluoridation Futile. Fluoride Confirmed Neurotoxic. EPA Sued.

Despite increases in public water fluoridation, dental visits, sealants, fluoride varnish applications, and significant financial, training, and program investments, oral health hasn’t improved in 22 years in the US, according to a National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) Oral Health in America Report (December 2021).  Further, it's undisputed that fluoride is neurotoxic, especially to babies' developing brains; but fluoridationists doubt the levels to which it occurs.

A new UK study, entitled CATFISH, shows a modest cavity reduction of 4% and 3% in 5-year-olds and 11-year-old's, respectively over their lifetimes, between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas and admits disparities persist.

Hundreds of studies support 76 human studies which show fluoride damages babies' developing brains. Prominent scientists urge us all to protect babies' brains from fluoride

These studies are the basis of a current lawsuit against the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to lower allowable fluoride contaminant levels in drinking water.  The trial starts January 29, 2024 (Food and Water Watch, et al). Counsel for the plaintiffs is Michael Connett, JD, Partner, Waters Kraus & Paul. 

EPA admits that fluoride is a chemical “with Substantial Evidence of Developmental Neurotoxicity”  Under oath, CDC's Oral Health Director (who claims fluoridation is safe) has  No Safety Data on Fluoride and the Brain reports (3/15/23), "The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has quietly unsealed its 2022 draft report on fluoride toxicity, publishing for the first time its finding 'with moderate confidence' that common drinking water fluoridation levels are associated with drops in childhood IQ -- a conclusion environmentalists plan to use in their suit seeking TSCA limits on fluoridation." 

Fluoride chemicals (hydrofluosilicic acid and sodium fluoride) are added to about 70% of US public drinking water supplies ostensibly to prevent tooth decay in tap water drinkers. But after 78 years of fluoridation, 50% of US 6-8 year-olds still have cavities, according to the CDC. Fifty-seven percent of adolescents aged 12-19 years have cavities (Journal of Public Health Dentistry). Seventy percent of US children and adolescents are afflicted with fluoride overdose - dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth - according to published federal data (NHANES)  Dentists profit from covering fluorosis

Recently, the State College Borough Water Authority in Pennsylvania, made up of scientifically trained professionals representing various aspects of water quality, source water protections, engineering and business management, voted to reject fluoridation unanimously after members read the science and didn't  just rely on outdated and unscientific endorsements.    

They criticized fluoridationists who "misrepresented and discredited the scientific evidence" (including Dr. Johnny Johnson's testimony. He is the President of the American Fluoridation Society)

Former New York State dental director (now California Dental Director), who works closely with the American Dental Association, has been accused of misrepresenting his published fluoride/IQ study.

US Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy: "Nine out of 10 adults 20 to 64 years of age have had dental caries, a figure that hasn’t meaningfully changed during the past 20 care costs have increased by 30%," reported in the New England Journal of Medicine

The Pew Charitable Trusts  writes: "the nation has failed to reduce the prevalence of untreated tooth decay among certain access to dental care is a persistent factor contributing to oral health inequities among racial and ethnic minorities, low-income individuals, older Americans, rural residents, and other marginalized groups." (February 9, 2022)

America’s shockingly poor dental system, poverty and poor diets are to blame. Fluoridation can't fix that."

"CDC reports show that among working-age US adults, over 40% of low-income and non-Hispanic Black adults have untreated tooth decay. Roughly another 40% of adults with low income or no private health insurance have untreated cavities," according to NewsChannel5.

NIDCR  reports little improvement since the 2000 US Surgeon General’s Oral Health report revealed “a silent epidemic” and its now-failed Call to Action “to eliminate oral health disparities.”

For example, the NIDCR reports:

·  The military continues to face challenges in meeting recruitment goals and military readiness because of oral health-related issues.
·  Untreated cavities among the poor remain twice that of non-poor. Disparities persist by race/ethnicity status.
·  Primary tooth decay increased in boys aged 6-11 and didn’t change in adolescents’ and adults’ permanent teeth.
·  Untreated decay in permanent teeth shows no progress.
·   In ages 2-11, decayed tooth surfaces increased with a greater impact on boys
·   Four out of 5 Americans aged 6 years and older experience cavities, irrespective of poverty or race/ethnicity status.
·   40% of children have eroded teeth. 

Dental Therapists could alleviate the dental access problem; but the politically powerful American Dental Association (ADA) lobbies against their legalization, according to the W K Kellogg Foundation and Wendell Potter

NIDCR admits vitamin D deficiency is a cavity risk. But the ADA turned this nutritional deficiency into a profitable fluoride drug treatment (Nutrients 2021). Forty-two percent of Americans are vitamin D deficient.  None are fluoride-deficient. Fluoride, like all drugs, has side effects.

Politics, not science, supports fluoridation as evidenced by the ADA's lobbying the US National Toxicology Program to conclude fluoridation is not neurotoxic when the science says it is - even though adverse health effects, outside of the oral cavity from ingested fluoride, are not within the purview of dentistry, according to the California Board of Dental Examiners4433/

Few know that fluoridation chemicals aren't natural, but are lead- and arsenic-laced waste products of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing (hydrofluosilicic acid or sodium fluoride) which often requires adding an acid-neutralizing chemical to the water such as sodium hydroxide.

Artificial fluoridation is outdated, unscientific, ineffective, unnecessary, politically motivated, harmful and must cease across the US

A prominent professor and former public health dentist writes, "Pro-fluoridationists should not make the mistake of concluding that the anti-fluoridationists are all quacks or believers in conspiracies. This is a serious court case, and it behooves all interested parties to take the case and the evidence seriously." (Nutrients 2022 "Fluoride: From Nutrient to Suspected Neurotoxin")

Many fluoridation reviews consistently found fluoridation studies faulty. For example:

Chairman of the US National Research Council's Report on Fluoride (2006)

New York State Communities which have stopped or rejected fluoridation are:  Suffolk, Nassau & Rockland counties, the capital city of Albany, Elba, Naples, Levittown, Canton, Corning, Johnstown, Oneida, Carle Place, Beacon, Poughkeepsie, Riverhead, Central Bridge Water District, Homer, Ithaca, Rouses Point, Pulaski, Romulus, Rockville Center, Amsterdam, Walden, Glens Falls and Manhasset 

NYS Dept of Health statistics show there is no correlation between the fluoridation rate of a county and tooth decay rates: or to fewer dental-related hospital ER visits for toddlers 

More specific information about NYS, fluoridation and tooth decay here:

It's not just New York, in Florida, despite a 78.5% fluoridation rate "Cavities, abscesses, tooth decay are driving children to Florida emergency rooms" The reason, as always, is lack of dental care - not lack of fluoride  "Only about 8% of [Florida's] licensed dentists participate in the Medicaid program"

Kentucky is the US. state with the 2nd highest percentage of residents with fluoridated drinking water (99.9% - CDC, 2020) due to the legislature mandating the practice in 1994. RESULTS: Kentucky Leads the Nation in the Number of Toothless Adults 

                                                                           END IT

Details  about above-listed scientific reviews which report fluoridation studies are faulty.

2001 -- An NIH panel reviewing tooth decay research was disappointed in the overall quality of the clinical data that it reviewed. According to the panel, "far too many studies were small, poorly described, or otherwise methodologically flawed." Over 560 studies evaluated fluoride.

"If the current weak trend of caries research in the United States continues, history will be harsh on all of us for our failure to use our knowledge and resources to reduce, if not eliminate, the burden of one of the world's most prevalent diseases," wrote Amid Ismail, BDS, Professor, University of Michigan School of Dentistry in a report to the panel.

2001 -- The CDC reports: "The prevalence of dental caries in a population is not inversely related to the concentration of fluoride in enamel  and a higher concentration of enamel fluoride is not necessarily more efficacious in preventing dental caries." 

2003 -- When members of the 2000 York Review of fluoridation found their work was being misrepresented by fluoidationists, they corrected the misreporting by writing a statement,What the 'York Review' on the fluoridation of drinking water really found. "We were unable to discover any reliable good-quality evidence in the fluoridation literature world-wide....The evidence about reducing inequalities in dental health was of poor quality, contradictory and unreliable."

2006 -- Chairman of the National Research Council Report on Fluoride Toxicity (Toxicologist John Doull) wrote: "What the committee found is that we've gone with the status quo regarding fluoride for many years--for too long, really--and now we need to take a fresh look. In the scientific community, people tend to think this is settled.  I mean, when the US surgeon general comes out and says this is one of the 10 greatest achievements of the 20th century, that's  a hard hurdle to get over. But when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation] has been going on. I think that's why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began. In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant."

2015 -- After reviewing all available fluoridation studies, the independent and trusted UK-based Cochrane group of researchers could not find any quality evidence to prove fluoridation changes the "existing differences in tooth decay across socioeconomic groups." Neither could they find valid evidence that fluoride reduces adults' cavity rates nor that fluoridation cessation increases tooth decay.

Fluoridation may reduce cavities in children (2 primary teeth or 1 permanent tooth). But Cochrane cautions these studies have "high risk of bias" and were mostly done before preventive measures were widespread, e.g. fluoridated toothpaste and sealants.

2015 -- Newsweek reports that scientists, who were assigned to review fluoridation research, are shocked at the lack of valid fluoridation-supporting evidence. Government agencies have a long history of minimizing reviews critical of fluoridation science.

2016 -- Sicca, et al. analyzed thirty systematic reviews on tooth decay prevention, from 2002 – 2015, and report “there is not sufficient evidence to determine whether the use [of] water fluoridation has a significant impact in the reduction of caries.” (Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry)

2023  - A suppressed National Toxicology Program fluoride report which government officials tried to hide from the public was revealed via a freedom of in formation request concluded "The data support a consistent inverse association between fluoride exposure and children's IQ"


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