
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Limit Fluoride to Prevent Lead Poisoning, Study Says

Fluoride chemicals added to public water supplies, boosts lead absorption in
lab animals' bones, teeth and blood, report Sawan, et al. (Toxicology 2/2010).
Earlier studies already show children's blood-lead-levels are higher in
 fluoridated communities, reports Sawan's research team.
"…exposure to increased amounts of lead and fluoride occurs at about the
same age (1-3 years)… Therefore, this is a critical time when systemic
exposure to fluoride should be minimized since fluoride may increase lead
accumulation," the researchers caution.

Low-level lead exposure is associated with lower IQ, ADHD and many
health and behavior ailments.
Fluosilicic acid (fluoride) is added to water supplies ostensibly to reduce
tooth decay.  
Sawan's team put fluosilicic acid, with and without lead, into lab animals'
drinking water. They found more lead in tooth enamel, surface bone, whole
bone, and tooth dentin in rats co-exposed to fluoride and lead.
Possibly anticipating criticism that rats were fed higher fluoride-concentrated
water than people drink, the authors write, "This concentration was chosen
 because it produces plasma fluoride levels that are comparable with those
commonly found in humans…"
Increased prevalence and severity of fluoride-discolored teeth (fluorosis)
proves U.S. children are already fluoride-overexposed, "which may cause
their blood-lead levels to increase and produce more lead toxicity," they write.
"These findings suggest that a biological effect, not recognized so far, may
underlie the epidemiological association between increased blood-lead l
evels in children and water fluoridation," concludes Sawan's research team.
"[O]ur findings may have serious implications for populations exposed to
increased amounts  of both lead and fluoride, particularly young children,"
the research team writes.
Fluoridation chemicals often contain lead

Other studies link fluoridation chemicals to higher blood lead levels
Masters and Coplan's landmark studies show higher blood-lead-levels in
children living in silico-fluoridated communities.
 (Neurotoxicology 2000, 2007).

Macek's research shows children's higher blood-lead-levels are associated
 with water fluoridation when lead is already in the environment
(Environmental Health Perspectives,2006).
Some fluoridation chemicals originate in ChinaMexico and Japan,
reports the CDC

SOURCE New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    You might be interested in this recent video I found on youtube.

  2. Christopher - Dr. Wu is lying to you. There will soon be a video detailing his misinformation and outright lies.

  3. Here's the video that Debunks Dr. Wu
