Few people know that fluoride maims and kills. Dentists wouldn’t want you worrying your little head off, and possibly scaring you away from twice-yearly insurance-paid-whether-you-need-it-or-not treatments and those horrible toxic doses (26,000 ppm) of fluoride varnish they paint on babies' teeth. Fluoride’s toxicity is downplayed-–or worse, never mentioned. That way everyone stays happy including organized dentistry’s biggest benefactors-- corporations that profit from fluoride and tooth decay , and the media and legislators supported by the same benefactors.
The following are stories organized dentistry and fluoride profiteers fail to mention:
a) A two-year-old Australian boy died after swallowing too many fluoride tablets(4).
b) A three-year-old Austrian boy died from swallowing too many fluoride tablets (5).
c) Three-year-old American boy died from ingesting, instead of expectorating, his dentist’s fluoride treatment (6).
d) Three dialysis patients died from fluoride poisoning at the University of Chicago Hospital when equipment meant to filter out fluoride from the water supply malfunctioned (7).
e) Fluoride killed an Alaskan man and poisoned 296 others after too much fluoride accidentally flowed into the public water supply (8).
f) Fluoride killed a 65-year-old kidney dialysis patient who became ill during a blood cleaning process after water supply workers left a fluoride valve for too long to allow toxic fluoride levels to flow into the public water supply (9) in Annapolis, Maryland.
g) A 51-year-old committed suicide by fluoridated toothpaste, according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (1). They won’t release the who, what, where, when and why to us.
h) 47 children were accidentally killed by a cook who mistakenly made their egg breakfast sodium fluoride powder instead of powdered milk (14)
i) A Kentuckian died after accidentally given liquid fluoride to wash down a pill at an Annapolis drugstore
j) An accident involving transporting fluoridation chemicals, hydrofluosilicic acid, killed the driver who was doused with the chemical "First responders and members of the public had to be decontaminated, The officer who initially attempted to extract the truck driver from the cab on scene experienced significant health effects. http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/fluorosilicic-fine-250000.ontario.pdf
k) A 33-year-old women committed suicide by ingesting sodium fluoride
roach powder
l) In 2017, 9 patients died after water used in dialysis treatment when fluoride concentrations of in the water were up to 260 times above the permitted level.
These are cases where fluoride sickened and/or disabled people:
A) A 52-year-old women with a two-gallon, double-strength daily instant tea habit developed bone and joint pain and other abnormalities indicative of chronic fluoride toxicity or skeletal fluorosis. After breaking the tea habit her pain and discomfort alleviated. Tea is naturally high in fluoride and few doctors are trained to diagnose fluoride’s adverse effects (2).
B) Daily high-dose fluoride home therapy caused gastric distress, difficulty in swallowing, leg muscle and knee joint soreness, and general malaise in a patient, according to the Journal of the American Dental Association (3).
C) A 57-year-old Englishman’s misdiagnosed Paget’s disease (weakened bones) with osteoarthritis was finally correctly diagnosed as skeletal fluorosis caused by his long-term heavy tea-drinking habit. (x)
D) A 36-year-old Chinese woman’s ten-years of joint pain disappeared when she stopped drinking tea. (x)
E) French doctors identified 5 patients who developed bone softening (osteomalacia) from drinking tea. (x)
F) A woman's "arthritis" symptoms dissipated when she stopped her tea drinking and fluoridated toothpaste and was correctly diagnosed with skeletal fluorosis (New Zealand Medical Journal)
G) An accidental overfeed of fluoridation chemicals (hydrofluosilicic acid) sickened Sandy Utah residents, damaged pipes and lowered property values
Can toothpaste
ingestion lead to fluoride toxicity?
There are three published cases of fluoride toxicity associated with toothpaste ingestion.**
Case one describes osteosclerosis associated with toothpaste ingestion in a 45-year-old woman who complained of painful swelling of the fingers. Laboratory tests showed elevated fluoride levels in blood and urine. The woman admitted to excess and unusual use of toothpaste; she brushed her teeth 18 times a day and swallowed the toothpaste, because she liked the taste. She consumed a tube of toothpaste every two days, thereby swallowing 68.5mg of fluoride every day. The patient was asked to use toothpaste without fluoride; 16 weeks later the pain had ceased and laboratory tests showed massively reduced but still elevated fluoride levels in blood and urine (14).
Case two describes a 52-year-old man with osteosclerosis and elevated fluoride levels. The man presented with severe neck immobility of seven-year duration and investigation revealed skeletal fluorosis. Due to the patient’s almost obsessive dental hygiene regimen, surreptitious ingestion of toothpaste was considered the most plausible fluoride source; he brushed his teeth using fluoridated toothpaste, before and after all meals (minimum six times daily) and kept a toothbrush at work. Within three months of removal of fluoride toothpaste, urine fluoride levels had dropped and were normal after nine years. Serum fluoride normalised within eight months. All arthralgias resolved within two years. After 8.5 years, bone fluoride was reduced but was still 10 times the reference value (15).
Case three describes a 58-year-old woman who presented
with a fracture in her foot. Radiographs showed marked osteosclerosis of the
spine and pelvis. Initially fluorosis was not suspected but fluoride levels
measured over two years after the initial fracture showed greatly elevated levels
in the serum, bone and urine. Exploration of fluoride ingestion revealed that
she had drunk approximately six cups of tea daily for the last five to ten
years. During initial questioning about her use of fluoride toothpaste she
described brushing her teeth three times daily and using a 100g tube of
standard strength fluoride toothpaste weekly. However, subsequent discussion
revealed that she brushed her teeth up to ten times daily. From her consumption
of tea plus her tooth brushing routine she was estimated to be ingesting approximately
17 to 18mg of fluoride daily (16).
Each year there are thousands of reports to Poison Control centers in the United States related to excessive ingestion of fluoride dental products (toothpaste, mouth rinses, and supplements).
Animals aren’t immune. Elk drinking naturally high fluoridated water in Yellowstone Park die a decade sooner than they should (3a).
Kangaroos are poisoned by fluoride, too. Fluoride makes lesions grow on their bones, which renders them lame.
Many Americans fail to notice their fluoridated toothpaste carries this message: “WARNING: Keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.”
Dentists often downplay this warning protecting fluoride more than your children. But a leading toxicologist and fluoridation promoter, Gary Whitford, PhD, protected his own children from their toxic fluoride tubes by putting them out of their reach. See: https://fluoridedangers.blogspot.com/2014/08/keep-fluoride-toothpaste-out-of.html Did your dentist ever tell you that?
Fluoride caused many industrial, occupational and environmental sicknesses and deaths also (10).
Natural fluoride cripples and maims too many people in the world who live on high naturally-fluoridated water supplies such as in Nalgonda, India (11).
In 1783, an Iceland volcanic eruption killed 20-25% of the population from famine and fluorine poisoning, as well as 80% of sheep, and 50% of cattle and horses.
Symptoms of skeletal fluorosis, according to Chemical and Engineering News (13):
In the early clinical stage of skeletal fluorosis, symptoms include pains in the bones and joints; sensations of burning, pricking, and tingling in the limbs; muscle weakness; chronic fatigue; and gastrointestinal disorders and reduced appetite. During this phase, changes in the pelvis and spinal column can be detected on x-rays. The bone has both a more prominent and more blurred structure.
In the second clinical stage, pains in the bones become constant and some of the ligaments begin to calcify. Osteoporosis may occur in the long bones, and early symptoms of osteosclerosis (a condition in which the bones become more dense and have abnormal crystalline structure) are present. Bony spurs may also appear on the limb bones, especially around the knee, the elbow, and on the surface of tibia and ulna.
In advanced skeletal fluorosis, called crippling skeletal fluorosis, the extremities become weak and moving the joints is difficult. The vertebrae partially fuse together, crippling the patient.
Dr. A. K. Susheela, a leading fluoride expert, explains in a video why US physicians overlook fluoride as a possible cause of diseases commonly caused by fluoride. https://vimeo.com/54005591
(1) American Association of Poison Control Centers, 2002 Annual Report, (Page 367)
(2) J Bone Miner Res. 2008 “Skeletal Fluorosis from Instant Tea,” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18179362
(3) Controlling the fluoride dosage in a patient with compromised salivary function.
Journal of the American Dental Association. January 2005 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15693498 by Fred Eichmiller et al ( Eichmiller presented pro-fluoride information at Alderman Bohl’s fluoridation hearing as an employee of Delta Dental who made over $400,000 a year in 2010 )
(3a) “Too Much Fluoride Takes a Toll on Elk,” BY BECKY BOHRER, The Associated Press, February 13, 2004 http://forests.org/shared/reader/welcome.aspx?linkid=29346&keybold=water%20AND%20%20fluoride
(4) http://www.fluoride-history.de/burton.htm
(5) http://www.fluoride-history.de/huala.htm
(6) http://www.fluoride-history.de/kennerly.htm
(7) http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/accidents/chicago-1993.html
(8) “Acute fluoride poisoning from a public water system,”.
New England Journal of Medicine, January 1994 http://tinyurl.com/3l8bdt
(9) http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/accidents/annapolis.html
(10) http://www.fluoridealert.org/f-pollution.htm
(11) Indian villagers crippled by fluoride, by Omer Farooq, BBC correspondent in Hyderabad
Fluoridation of Water Questions about health risks and benefits remain after more than 40 years
Bette Hileman, http://www.fluoridealert.org/s-fluorosis.htm
(14) TIME Magazine, "Death by Fluoride" November 1942
(x ) Case Reports by Cao and Yi in the Journal of Fluorine Chemistry (February 2008) “Tea and fluorosis:”
Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.
ReplyDeleteDentist Warwick NY
When I was about 6 years old, a dentist left a fluoride treatment in my mouth too long. I can still remember the flavor, butterscotch. I immediately felt sick and that night had uncontrollable vomiting. Even at 6 i knew it was from that treatment. Now at 42 I have many muscle and bone pain related issues. I wonder if there is a link.