Vitamin D Deficiency, Not Fluoride Deficiency, Causes Cavities, Dentist/Researcher Reveals
High doses of vitamin D during pregnancy improved tooth enamel in offspring. (New York Times 2019)
Vitamin D Deficiency, Not Fluoride Deficiency, Causes Cavities, Dentist/Researcher Reveals
High doses of vitamin D during pregnancy improved tooth enamel in offspring. (New York Times 2019)
Backed by hundreds of animal and cell research, 78 human studies link fluoride to lower IQ - some at optimal water fluoride levels (0.7 mg/L) The fetus and formula fed infants are the most vulnerable to fluoride's neurotoxicity. The CDC's Oral Health Director, Casey Hannon, admitted under oath that CDC has no evidence of fluoride's brain safety in the fetus, babies or children. Hannan also admitted that no evidence exists to prove fluoride is beneficial to the same group.
EPA admits that fluoride is a chemical “with Substantial Evidence of Developmental Neurotoxicity”
These studies are the basis of a current lawsuit against the EPA which could end the artificial fluoridation program in the US. EPA set "safe" water fluoride contaminant levels to protect bones and children's teeth (skeletal fluorosis and dental fluorosis). They failed to consider neurofluorosis. The trial is over; we are awaiting the Judge's decision. Counsel for the plaintiffs is MichaelConnett, JD
Fluoride from foods and beverages consumed during pregnancy is associated with lower cognitive neurodevelopment in boy babies, even when fluoride is ingested at recommended levels, report researchers Cantoral et al. in Neurotoxicology (December 2021) and funded by the US National Institutes of Health.