
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Dentistry Treats Vitamin D Deficiency With Nonessential Fluoride Drugs for Profit

Vitamin D Deficiency, Not Fluoride Deficiency, Causes Cavities, Dentist/Researcher Reveals 

American Dental Association (ADA) internal documents reveal how it influenced the world to ignore a preponderance of evidence proving vitamin D can prevent tooth decay in order to promote nonessential fluoride so dentists could profit, reports Philippe P. Hujoel, PhD, DDS, Professor, Oral Health Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Washington (Nutrients December 2021).

Hujoel writes, “The ADA was a worldleading organization and its governing bodies worked through political channels to make fluoride a global standard of care for a disease which at the time was viewed as an indicator of vitamin D deficiencies.” The ADA scientific council endorsed vitamin D for 15 years but reversed its decision in 1989.  
The evidence suggests that professional organizations of clinical specialists, such as the ADA, have the power to create standards of care which ignore key evidence and consequently can harm public health, reports Hujoel.

It seems the rich and powerful ADA uses legislators, the media and water engineers for its own political viability and financial gain to manipulate the public into believing fluoride is an essential tooth nutrient - which it isn't. Artificial fluoridation is based more on politics and deception than science. 

Vitamin D deficiency, now common in US adults and children, is also more prevalent in the same groups suffering the most tooth decay.

Many current studies link vitamin D deficiency to more cavities.

After 77 years of water fluoridation, intending to dramatically reduce tooth decay, 70% of US children are fluoride-overdosed, afflicted with dental fluorosis (discolored teeth). Yet, tooth decay is epidemic. Like all drugs, fluoride has adverse side effects.

Vitamin D, an essential nutrient, is free via sunlight exposure; fluoride is a huge money maker.

ADA’s Seal of Approval is paid for reports CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta).

“ADA governing bodies had several channels of influence to put fluoride experts on authoritative writing panels who globalized the now conventional wisdom of ignoring and dismissing the evidence of the role of nutritional deficiencies in dental disease etiology,” writes Hujoel. 

“It did not matter that the professional organization had a self-evident conflict of interest; topical fluoride applications in dental offices were revenue-generating procedures, vitamin D prescriptions were not,” writes Hujoel.

Hujoel explains that vitamin D was shunned to knock competition from physicians.

With its success in suppressing vitamin D supplementation, the dental guild went on to dismiss other dental-related deficiencies such as vitamin C for gingival bleeding, according to Hujoel.

He concludes, “Public health may well depend on looking at professional societies no different than the way we look at the pharmaceutical industry— conflicted organizations with a power to shape conventional wisdom based on fragile evidence. This historical analysis adds to the evidence that professional societies should serve their members and be kept at arm’s length from research agendas, disease definitions, clinical practice guidelines, and public health policies.” 

The powerful politics of the ADA is well documented as explained here and here and here.

Buried on its website but rarely, if ever, shared with the public, the ADA admits science shows (under "dental caries") Vitamin D deficiency is linked to more cavities.  

Fluoridation gives dentistry “political viability” was admitted in a 1981 Journal of the  American Dental Association article. (“Fluoridation Election Victory: A Case Study for Dentistry in Effective Political Action”)

ADA is cited in this 2002 article admitting "It is important for pregnant women to receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, including calcium, protein, phosphorous and vitamins A, C and D." 

"This review aims to provide comprehensive evidence of how Vitamin D levels should be considered to promote good oral health, and to summarize how Vitamin D Deficiency may hamper oral development and its role in certain oral conditions." (Nutrients 2020)

High doses of vitamin D during pregnancy improved tooth enamel in offspring. (New York Times 2019)


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Fluoridationists' Talking Points Easily Debunked

Using their titles and degrees more often than science, fluoridationists often say:

1) Fluoride is natural - The truth is that the most-used fluoridation chemicals are not natural calcium fluoride but instead are never safety-tested hydrofluosilicic acid or sodium fluoride which “has not been found by FDA to be safe and effective” Calcium binds more tightly to fluoride.  In fact, calcium is the antidote for fluoride poisoning. But even naturally fluoridated water can cripple and maim when concentrations are high.

 2) Fluoridation reduces disparities - It doesn’t. For example, "Despite significant financial, training, and program investments, US children's caries experience and inequities continued to increase over the last 20 years," according the American Journal of Public Health (2017).

3) CDC proclaims fluoridation is 1 of the 10 Greatest Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century - CDC also reports, “The prevalence of dental caries in a population is not inversely related to the concentration of fluoride in enamel and a higher concentration of enamel fluoride is not necessarily more efficacious in preventing dental caries.”

 4) There are hundreds or thousands of studies prove fluoridation safety - There are not. In fact, the studies CDC lists as proving safety actually don’t

 5) Fluoridation is safe for every human for their entire lifetimes - That has never been proven. Fluoride, neither a nutrient nor essential for healthy teeth is a drug with side effects – the most egregious is fluoride’s neurological effects. Fluoride’s kidney effects are 100 years old and its thyroid effects well documented. 

So, after 76 years of fluoridation which was supposed to drastically reduce tooth decay, save money and put dentists out of business with a minimum of adverse side effects (mild dental fluorosis): 

 • 70% of US children and adolescents are afflicted with dental fluorosis – much of it moderate/severe – creating a lucrative new cosmetic dentistry business for dentists.

• Tooth decay is epidemic, according to the American Association of Pediatric Dentists 

• In 1950 there were 42 dental Schools. Now there are 68

• 16,555 were enrolled in dental school in 1969-70. Now 25,995 are enrolled, the most ever. 

• Dental spending reached a historic high of $136 billion, according to the American Dental Association 

• Dental spending reached a historic high of $136 billion in 2018, according to the American Dental Association. Then national dental expenditures increased by 11% in 2021, from $146 billion in 2020 to $162 billion in 2021, according to the American Dental Association

• More dentists and dental groups now oppose fluoridation. For example, the IAOMT, the IABDM, these dentists. 378 dentists listed here. More are opposed but fear speaking out .

Organized dentistry is one of the richest and most powerful special interest groups.  Fluoridation is their sacred cow. Most dentists prefer to treat the water of; but not the teeth of low income folks.  Eighty percent of dentists refuse Medicaid patients. 

Americans are fluoride-overdosed and dentist deficient. 74 million Americans don't have dental insurance and, many of those that do, can't afford dentistry's out-of-pocket expenses

According to the CDC, oral health disparities persists: 

"Among working-age US adults, over 40% of low-income and non-Hispanic Black adults have untreated tooth decay. Untreated oral disease has a large impact on quality of life and productivity:

  • Over 34 million school hours were lost in the United States in 2008 because of unplanned urgent dental care.
  • Over $45 billion is lost in productivity in the United States each year because of untreated oral disease.
  • Nearly 18% of all working-age adults, and 29% of those with lower incomes, report that the appearance of their mouth and teeth affects their ability to interview for a job.
Politic$, not science, supports fluoridation.  Follow the Money!

                                   END FLUORIDATION

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

78 Human Studies Link Fluoride to Babies’ Neurological Damage; EPA Sued

Backed by hundreds of animal and cell research, 78 human studies link fluoride to lower IQ - some at optimal water fluoride levels (0.7 mg/L)  The fetus and formula fed infants are the most vulnerable to fluoride's neurotoxicity. The CDC's Oral Health Director, Casey Hannon, admitted under oath that CDC has no evidence of fluoride's brain safety in the fetus, babies or children. Hannan also admitted that no evidence exists to prove fluoride is beneficial to the same group.

EPA admits that fluoride is a chemical “with Substantial Evidence of Developmental Neurotoxicity”  

These studies are the basis of a current lawsuit against the EPA which could end the artificial fluoridation program in the US. EPA set "safe" water fluoride contaminant levels to protect bones and children's teeth (skeletal fluorosis and dental fluorosis). They failed to consider neurofluorosis. The trial is over; we are awaiting the Judge's decision. Counsel for the plaintiffs is MichaelConnett, JD 

Fluoride from foods and beverages consumed during pregnancy is associated with lower cognitive neurodevelopment in boy babies, even when fluoride is ingested at recommended levels, report researchers Cantoral et al. in Neurotoxicology (December 2021) and funded by the US National Institutes of Health.

“Fluoride is not an essential nutrient and…fluoride ingestion in pregnancy does not strengthen enamel during tooth formation in the fetus but has been associated with increased risk of neurotoxicity, even at optimal exposure levels,” Cantoral's team write.

Prominent scientists urge us all to protect babies' brains from fluoride US National Toxicology Program report confirms that prenatal and early life fluoride exposures can reduce IQ.

Few know that fluoride, besides being added to many public water supplies, is in foods and beverages at varying and inconsistent levels – either naturally or from fluoridated pesticides; fluoridated water used in processing; feed regimen of animal products; food storage containers (Teflon-coated containers); and food packaging (migration of perfluorochemicals into food). Those for and against fluoridation concede too much fluoride is health-harming. Topical fluoride application also invites some absorption into the bloodstream.

"Given the ubiquity of elevated fluoride exposure, a recent study estimated that the population impact of adverse effects from fluoride may exceed the one associated with other toxic elements like lead, mercury, and arsenic," report researchers  in the European Journal of Public Health (October 2023)

After 79 years of water fluoridation, 70% of US children and adolescents are fluoride-overdosed and afflicted with dental fluorosis (white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth) while tooth decay remains a US epidemic.


Experts who testified in the US Federal Lawsuit  Case No. 17-CV-02162-EMC, challenging water fluoridation safety, that's set to continue in January 2022, include:
1) Kathleen M. Thiessen, Ph.D. a risk assessment scientist at Oak Ridge Center for Risk Analysis in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Dr. Thiessen testified that “The animal data on fluoride neurotoxicity are consistent with the epidemiological data in showing a risk of cognitive deficits at doses of fluoride ingested from fluoridated water.”
2) A Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Phillipe Grandjean is on the faculty of Harvard University and the University of Southern Denmark. He’s received multiple awards throughout his long career for his research on the effects of environmental toxins affecting children and has also been recognized for his advocacy in protecting future generations from the effects of neuro- and developmental toxins.
Dr. Grandjean testified that "… there is little doubt that developmental neurotoxicity is a serious risk associated with elevated fluoride exposure, whether due to community water fluoridation, natural fluoride release from soil minerals, or tea consumption, especially when the exposure occurs during early development."
3) Dr. Howard Hu, from the University of Washington’s School of Public Health, has led international research teams investigating the environmental, nutritional, social, and epi/genetic causes of chronic disease and impaired child development in the USA, Mexico, India, China, and elsewhere around the world.
Dr. Hu advises pregnant women and infants to avoid fluoride ingestion to assure normal brain development (Journal of Pediatrics “Current Best Evidence,” July 2020). He wrote, "Fluoride is not essential for growth and development, a cautious step could be avoidance of fluoridated products and water by women during pregnancy and by infants during the first 6 months of life."
4) Dr. Lanphear is on the faculty at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, where his research focuses on preventing common diseases and disabilities in children, as well as quantifying the impact of risk factors to children’s health including exposures to heavy metals and chemicals.
“Mounting evidence suggests fluoride may be hampering brain development and reducing kids' IQ. The US needs to rethink this exposure for pregnant women and children.” 
JAMA Pediatrics Journal editor Dimitri Christakis, MD, said. “I would advise them [pregnant women] to drink bottled water or filtered water because it is not a particularly odious thing to do and actually does reduce the risk,” in a discussion of the JAMA Pediatrics fluoride/IQ study.
Fluoridation was declared safe for over 7 decades. “Yet, studies conducted in North America examining the safety of fluoride exposure in pregnancy were nonexistent,” write Till and Green in “Controversy: The evolving science of fluoride: when new evidence doesn’t conform with existing beliefs.” Till and Green both advise pregnant women to avoid fluoride.
Dr. Till's youtube presentation about her research which garnered intense scrutiny before being published in JAMA-Pediatrics is here:
