Children’s sodium fluoride anti-cavity supplements were never found safe or effective by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They were never even tested. And the reason will astound you.
Sodium fluoride supplements are routinely fed to little children to prevent tooth decay. They are drugs requiring a dentist's or physician's prescription.
The below e-mail correspondence between this writer and the FDA shows that fluoride supplements were "grandfathered in" before the 1938 law was enacted requiring drug testing.
So, products on the market before 1938 were presumed safe by the FDA who allowed grandfathered drugs to be sold without any testing. Once a drug is on the market for any reason, doctors can use them to treat any disease or condition.
It gets even more incredulous.
Sodium fluoride was on the market pre-1938, but not to stop cavities and not for any medical reason. Sodium fluoride sold as a rat poison.
So, in effect, the FDA says - since sodium fluoride safely and effectively killed rats before 1938, the FDA considers it is safe to give to little children to prevent tooth decay.
Over 91% of U.S. fluoridating communities now use cheaper silicofluorides - another chemical never FDA approved, or safety tested in animals or humans but recently found to increase children's blood lead levels.
From a 1951 American Dental Association brochure:
"There is no proof that commercial preparations such as tablets, dentifrices, mouthwashes or chewing gum containing fluorides are effective in preventing dental decay. Unfortunately such preparations are being offered to the public without adequate scientific evidence of their value."
The following is my correspondence with the FDA:
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 7:10 PM
Subject: DrugInfo Comment Form FDA/CDER Site
Name: Sally
Comments: I don't see fluoride supplements, which require a prescription,
listed on your approved drugs list. They are prescribed to children to
prevent tooth decay. Why aren't they approved? They aren't nutritional
supplements, so they can't be excluded.
Is it safe to give children drugs that haven't been FDA approved?
Subject: RE: DrugInfo Comment Form FDA/CDER Site
Date: 3/9/2004 3:56:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sodium fluoride has been marketed in the United States since before 1938,when the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) was enacted. The Act is the
basic food and drug law of the United States and is intended to assure the consumer that foods are pure and wholesome, safe to eat, and produced under sanitary conditions; that drugs and devices are safe and effective for their intended uses; that cosmetics are safe and made from appropriate
ingredients; and that all labeling and packaging is truthful, informative, and not deceptive.
With the passage of the Act, an approved New Drug
Application (NDA) was required for marketing any new drug product (drug products introduced after 1938), as the regulatory mechanism for ensuring
that all new drugs were cleared for safety prior to distribution. An amendment to the Act in 1962 required that, before marketing a drug, a
manufacturer also had to provide substantial evidence of effectiveness for the product's intended uses.
Drugs on the market prior to enactment of the 1938 law were exempted, or "grandfathered", and manufacturers were not required to file an NDA. The premise was that all pre-1938 drugs were considered safe, and if the manufacturer did not change the product formulation or indication, then an NDA was not required. However, once a manufacturer made any change to a pre-1938 drug, that drug was considered by the FDA to be a "new drug" and the manufacturer was required to prove that the drug was safe for its intended use.
The FDA is aware of sodium fluoride-containing products in various dosage forms that are currently marketed. At the present time, the FDA is deferring any regulatory action on sodium fluoride products that were marketed prior
to 1962 as long as the currently marketed product is identical to the pre-1962 product.
Any prescription sodium fluoride-containing product coming into the marketplace after 1962 that is not identical to the pre-1962 labeling and
that has drug claims, is subject to the FDA drug review process prior to marketing. Drug sponsors, generally manufacturers, develop new drugs, from
the earliest laboratory discoveries through various phases of animal and human safety testing as well as clinical testing for effectiveness and
appropriate dosing.
The FDA reviews data collected during drug testing at two key points: first, at the time the sponsor believes that the drug is ready for human testing and submits an Investigational New Drug Application (IND); and second, at the time the sponsor submits an NDA for approval to market the drug product. Before the FDA will permit testing of a drug in humans (clinical trials), the sponsor must provide us information in an IND
demonstrating that the drug is reasonably safe to administer to humans. The sponsor must also provide manufacturing and control data, a detailed plan for clinical trials, and the names and qualifications of the investigators who will be performing the clinical trials.
Not all oral vitamins are prescription drugs. If the preparation contains 1mg or more of folic acid, then it is prescription. They are indicated for a variety of reasons but mainly to maintain normal blood levels and,therefore, prevent a variety of clinical conditions associated with vitamin deficiencies. If a patient is already deficient, then they will need more than the RDA to replete body stores of the deficient vitamin(s). Certain inborn errors of metabolism require treatment with specific vitamins.
Thank you
CDER Drug Information
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: DrugInfo Comment Form FDA/CDER Site
Thank you for your very detailed answer.
Sodium fluoride supplements weren't tested as a decay preventative until the 1950's or 1960's. The sodium fluoride on the market before 1938 was sold as a rat poison. Were there any other medicinal reasons for using sodium fluoride before 1938?
Thank you.
Subject: RE: DrugInfo Comment Form FDA/CDER Site
Date: 3/18/2004 1:17:15 PM Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
We don't have information on the medical uses of fluoride before 1938.
Thank you
CDER Drug Information
One-Third of US Kids Have Dental Problems After 80 years of fluoridation
After 80 years of water fluoridation, about 70 years of fluoridated tooth
paste, a glut of fluoridated dental products, a fluoride-saturated food
supply ...
6 days ago
The majority of information on this website is wrong or severly twisted out of context. It is sad because people who are uneducated do no understand how the information is being manipulated. and I think this comment will not get posted because it does not hold the same views.
Unlike your spurious comments, this author references her information with credible sources. Where's yours?
Thanks for putting some crucial info out there about flouride supplements for children. I have given my children these for years without realizing the potential risks. I thought it was okay because my pediatrition prescibed them. The other websites I've visited do not support the use of flouride in vitamins or drinking water. As a child, I received flouride tablets and I think it affected my teeth because I have some white spots on them which I never connected with the over use of flouride. Anyway I will not continue to use these for my children . Fortunately, I found some children's vegetarian organic vitamins in a local super market .
sincerely, Amy N Long Island NY
Thanks for putting some crucial info out there about flouride supplements for children. I have given my children these for years without realizing the potential risks. I thought it was okay because my pediatrition prescibed them. The other websites I've visited do not support the use of flouride in vitamins or drinking water. As a child, I received flouride tablets and I think it affected my teeth because I have some white spots on them which I never connected with the over use of flouride. Anyway I will not continue to use these for my children . Fortunately, I found some children's vegetarian organic vitamins in a local super market .
sincerely, Amy N long Island NY
Usually all my answers from agencies avoid all my questions and state policy then policy claims and other agency claims.So you wait 5 months for nothing. This person could get fired for giving even partial answers. Good work Sally. Strange how us uneducated anti fluoride people seem to be the only ones in the room that read the taxpayer funded current science. So many studies showing harm and little benefit but still safe for all and everyone benefits.
This is the your own research and be your own doctor...sodium flouride is poison. M.D.s and Dentists and truck drivers have the shortest life spans of any profession. I don't ask any of them about my health, but I would believe a truck driver over a M.D. or Dentist any day.
Thank god people are finally realising this. When i was younger i developed fluorosis from too much and have had to get caps on my teeth and many other dental procedures. My mom had to research it forever to even figure out what i had. Im glad to see that its more widely recognised now so other kids dont have to live with this.
So flouride was never approved for ingestion, but what about topical use? If adults use flouride toothpaste being careful not to swallow it does that mean they are safe from the dangers of it? There have been studies showing that flouride prevents dental cavities and tooth decay:
So it seems that while there is harm in it being ingested, there are benefits in it being put in toothpastes. I would like to know if anyone has any evidence for it being harmful in toothpastes. Im open minded about this.
Related to Sarahs last question: The arterial blood supply is located under the tounge; I am aware that some people place pills/chemicals weather it be perscription or illegal and this is because it is one of the fastest ways for a drug to enter the blood stream. The very same could be said for fluoride in toothpastes, while you can mean the best and be as careful as you can not swallow the toothpaste some will be absorbed directly into the blood stream.
Dear Sara, How can this make sense to you. It says on the back of flouridated toothpastes: DO NOT SWALLOW. When you put toothpaste in your mouth, it is being absorbed through the capillaries in your mouth and under your tongue. You do not HAVE TO swallow it to ingest it. You already are. This is why they put sugar under the tongues of diabetics who are going into shock. Its the fastest way to absorb anything or any chemical..
nice blog
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